Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Well our check was cashed last night by the USCIS. Hopefully we will get our fingerprint appointment letter next week. Hopefully we will be able to get fingerprinted soon. I really want to be DTC no later than August. If we can be DTC by August than we have a pretty good chance of traveling in November or December. Travel approvals are taking about 73 days (I do the averaging for our yahoo group) but some come really fast and some take really long. There is a rumor that if your CWI is a small one and doesn't do a lot of international adoptions that travel approvals get done quickly. I hope that's the case. I asked 2 different Magic Eight balls tonight if Sophie would be home before Christmas and they both said yes the 3 different times I asked it. That would be fun.


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