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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Two weeks since Gotcha Day

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I met this little face. Isn't she cute?


  • At 10:27 PM, Blogger Gayan said…

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  • At 12:20 AM, Blogger Joyce said…

    Hi there,

    I'm the mom of Fu Jing (now just Jing) from Dandong. I lost track of your email address, (we corresponded a while back). But I was able to search on Dandong and adopt and found your website again. Glad to hear you finally got over there, it seems you really had to wait a long time. Jing has been home since Dec. 2005 and she is 6 and a half now. She's doing well, but has some attention probs at school and such. We also met Fu Xu (Jason) from Dandong as his family lives close by us. He is 8 and is quite a handful. Love to hear from you, our email is I did not see Sophie when I visited the SWI in Dec 2005. But I may have missed her as I was sick as a dog during my visit (alone with our guide).


    Joyce (in Seattle)

  • At 12:37 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    My name is Emily and I am a new mwmber of the Yahoo GA peaches group. We live in Albany and are starting our paperchase for our 1st adopted child (have 3 bio). I was reading you blog and noticed you mentioned applying for a grant/or some kind of 2000.00 stipend for a SN child. We are going SN and was wanting more info on this when you have time. You can email me directly at

    Sophie is beautiful! WOW how life can change in just two short weeks! You are very blessed!
    Thanks again!


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