Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Our journey begins again

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Our journey almost begins again

On Thursday, 3/23 I pulled up Wacap's waiting child as I often do. I noticed that one of the children that I had already inquired about was made a Promise Child. I was so excited because I really had wanted this little girl, but knew we couldn't do it at the time. Well, now was our opportunity. This was a sign. I was so excited. I emailed A.J. with the subject "So what do you thing?". I didn't realize that I had typed thing instead of thing until he told me at lunch. He then said the standard thing about worrying about money and I explained the whole Promise Child thing to him. He never said no and he even seemed to come around. Well when I got back from our lunch I contacted the agency. I went ahead and filled out an application stating that we had interest in adopting this child. I was so excited about it. I know what her name is going to be (but I'm not going to share it until it officially happens) and her birthday is the same day as AJ's mom and aunt. How cool is that? I share my grandmothers birthday, Maddie shares her daddy's birthday and the new one will share her grandmothers birthday. It was coming full circle. Another odd red thread about her. She is from DanDong CWI and I know that this is a weird and somewhat reaching read thread but for the last couple of days Maddie has walked around saying "Ding Dong". We don't say that in our house and it is really close to DanDong. Well I also researched some ways to get to her province and low and behold, Korean Airlines flies directly there. Guess who can get passes to fly there? Yes that would be us. So you can see my excitement that this might actually work.
Well, hold your horses. We have hit a potential downing factor. That would be our homestudy agency (who I don't want to name yet because things still might work out, but I definitly will if they don't). Let me first say that there are several things that have deterred us from this agency since adopting Maddie, but how main reason for going with them would be because we would only need a subsequent homestudy which would be one visit at our house. It would also be much cheaper. Well I called the office on Thursday and asked what I needed to do. I spoke with the director who said, and I quote "I really don't know but I will send you the forms. Everyone in the office is with a birth mother at the hospital who is giving birth". Well that's great for that birth mother, but how many people does she really need and why doesn't the director of the agency know what I would need. Well I recieved the forms today from her and was so excited, well that was quickly turned to anger! I opened the packet and the first thing I read was that we would need to pay a $250 application fee as well as the $650 subsequent homestudy fee. The application fee was to determine if we met the criteria to become their clients. WHAT? Aren't we already their client? They have already completed one homestudy and 3 post placement visits with us. I don't know what to do. The original homestudy was $1100 so what would really be the savings in going with this agency again? No where on their website or in our original contract does it state we would have to pay another application fee. Hopefully on Monday I will be told that we don't have to pay it, but after already dealing with this agency, I'm sure they will say we do. How many other agencies make their families do this? Please say a prayer that everything will work out for us. I really do want to bring this little girl home.